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Description | Keywords |
4-Year Program - Level Assessment Plan Sample | assessment, program, outcomes |
15 Ideas for Digital End-of-Semester Final Projects | end-of-semester, final, project, cumulative, digital |
10 In the Moment Responses for Addressing Micro and Macroaggressions in the Classroom | microagressions, diversity, classroom management, conflict, inclusivity, civility |
2020 Resilience | sustain, protect, motivate, inspiration |
A Made to Order Form for Instructional Observation | organization, presentation, rapport, content, interaction, active learning |
A Multi-Modal Approach: Making Accessible Instructional Videos with Closed Captioning | Blackboard, YouTube, lectures, virtual learning, transcript |
About IDEA | course evaluation, student rating, feedback, assessment, report |
Academic Assessment & Scholarship | SLO, student learning outcomes, review, aid, resources |
Academic Assessment & Scholarship Resources | template, sample, example, methods |
Accessibility Toolbox | notetaking, reading, writing, audio, assistive technology, disability, ADA |
Accessibility Tools | assistance, accommodation, reporting, statement, guidelines, ADA |
Accessing Qualtrics Support | training, tutorial, experience management, survey |
Active Learning in Large Lectures | Video, teaching |
orientation, fall | |
Adjusted Scores in IDEA | student, rating, instruction, feedback, calculation |
Adjusting your Video Image | Zoom, tips, virtual learning, teaching, online |
Ally for Students in Blackboard Learn | formats, content, upload, access |
Alternative Assessments Resources | exams, tests, evaluation, project, midterm, final |
An Introduction to Hybrid Teaching | planning, virtual, face-to-face, instruction, modality |
Annual and Periodic Reviews | academic, report, curriculum, program, plan, template |
Annual Report Template | assessment, student learning outcomes, program, goals, yearly |
ChatGPT, generative | |
Assessment 101: A Guide to Assessment at Stockton - Introduction | reporting, student learning outcomes, curriculum mapping, improvment |
Assessment 101: A Guide to Assessment at Stockton - Module 1 - Writing Program-Level Student Learning Outcomes | SLO, goals, course objectives, Bloom's Taxonomy |
Assessment 101: A Guide to Assessment at Stockton - Module 2 - Curriculum Mapping | tracking, course planning, SLO, program |
Assessment 101: A Guide to Assessment at Stockton - Module 3 - Choosing an Assessment | formative, summative, direct, indirect, alternative |
Assessment 101: A Guide to Assessment at Stockton - Module 4 - Assessment Reporting | organize, manage, program, workbook, action plan |
Assessment 101: A Guide to Assessment at Stockton - Module 5 - Continuous Improvement | results, reflect, summary, action plan, next steps |
Assessment Checklist SLOA | course, program, plan, curriculum, map |
Assessment Definitions SLOA | course, program, objectives, learning, goals |
Assignment Ideas | teaching, learning, tools, online, virtual |
Assignment Ideas for Faculty | exercises, discussions, presentations, research, tests, quizzes |
Attendance and Grade Center | Blackboard, tutorial, forum, course |
Autumn and Apples | PowerPoint, slides, example, nutrition |
Basics of Teaching Online with Blackboard | course, planning, LMS, tutorial, online, discussion board |
Best Practices for Developing a Classroom Course | Blackboard, LMS, digital, curriculum, planning, SLO |
Best Practices for Developing an Online Course | lecture, virtual, learning, collaboration, instruction, assessment |
Blackboard Exemplary Course Rubric | example, feedback, collaboration, assessment, standards |
Blackboard - Getting Started | quick guide, introduction, basics, original, ultra, for beginners |
Blackboard Learn 9.1 Annotate | tutorial, feedback, comment, revise, LMS, online, grading |
Blackboard Learn 9.1 Course Copy | tutorial, section, semester, change, online |
Blackboard Learn with the Ultra View Video Tutorials | LMS, instruction, how-to, online, course |
Blackboard Learn 9.1 Tutorials | instruction, example, course, building, LMS |
Blackboard SafeAssign | plagiarism, originality report |
Blackboard Survey Executive Summary | LMS, faculty, satisfaction, overview |
Best Practices: Zoom Lectures | online, virtual, hybrid, learning, webcam, engagement |
Best Practices in Academic Assessment | test, ideas, projects, activities, cumulative, content |
Best Practices for Developing a Classroom Course | face-to-face, active learning, student engagement, collaboration, video |
Best Practices for Developing an Online Course | Blackboard, virtual, distance, learning, LMS |
Blended Learning Toolkit | face-to-face, online, combination, ideas, course design |
Bloom's Taxonomy action verbs | remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create |
Campuslabs Tutorials | program, training, webinars, video, digital, learning |
Celebration of Scholarship & Teaching | |
Chair Exercises | seated, workout, stretch, movement |
Cheat Sheet on Student Evaluation Objectives | important, essential, learning, attributes, goals |
Citing ChatGPT & Generative AI | citation, artificial inteligence |
Class Observation Report | faculty, development, assessment, evaluation, improvement |
Classroom Observation Form Open Ended | faculty, development, assessment, evaluation, improvement |
Classroom Observation Form Scaled | faculty, development, assessment, evaluation, objectives |
Classroom Observation Report Form | faculty assessment, evaluation, participation, instruction, improvement |
Classroom Strategies and Management | compassionate, teaching, mental, health |
Course Attendance Guidelines | academic performance, grades, participation, policy |
Course Mapping Worksheet | planning, instruction, content, schedule, class, development |
Course Resources | example, samples, rubrics, SLO, engagement, design |
Conducting Peer Observations for Online Teaching | review, faculty, development, feedback |
Continuity Planning | alternate, delivery, online, virtual, distance, learning, campus closure |
COVID-19 MOA for Protection of Faculty & Librarians (2020) | tenure, promotion, evaluation, pandemic, plan, standards |
Creating a culture of caring | Active Minds, classroom, mental health, wellness, self-care, resources, intervention |
Creating a Culture of Support in the Workplace | Active Minds, mental health, wellness, self-care, faculty, resources, support |
Creating Writing Assignments | papers, research, essays, tips, ideas |
CTLD Faculty Fellows | research, colleagues, assistance, partner |
CTLD Mission, Vision and Values | faculty, staff, resources, purpose, statement |
CTLD Sample Syllabus | template, guide, digital, virtual, distance, learning |
Curriculum Map Sample | example, program, course, PLO, SLO |
Day of Scholarship | |
Decolonizing the Curriculum Resources | classroom, diversity, inclusivity, minority, representation |
DeskFit - 20 Essential Desk Exercises | office, chair, standing, workout, stretch, movement |
Digication Tutorials | video, portfolio, ePortfolio, design, edit, how-to |
achievements, accomplishments, certificates, credentials | |
Disruptive Classroom Behavior / Classroom Disruption Protocol | disruptive, student |
Enabling Zoom in Blackboard | video, lecture, online, instructions, class, meeting, access |
Embedding Video files in Blackboard with Google Drive | instruction, tutorial, how-to, digital, learning |
Evaluation of Teaching | IDEA, student rating, survey, feedback, self-evaluation |
Evaluating Teaching - A Guide for Administrators | IDEA, data, collection, faculty, staff, review |
Events & Professional Development Sessions | fall, schedule, calendar, training, lectures |
Example of Classroom Observation Report | sample, template, teaching, evaluation |
Examples of Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning in College Classrooms / Compassionate Teaching Practices | physical, emotional, resilience |
Excellent Teacher IDEA | research, effectiveness, rating, scores |
Expectations for Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) | syllabus, technology, ChatGPT |
Explorer Creative Pedagogy Ideas | active learning, student enagement, tips, assignments, community |
Faculty Academic Writing Network (FAWN) | faculty, staff, adjunct, publish, scholarly, workshop |
Faculty Evaluation Policy (2016) | Board of Trustees, Provost, archive, records |
Faculty Evaluation Procedure (2015) | agreeement, archive, records |
Faculty Guide to Supporting Student Mental Health | culture, care, struggling |
ADA, accessibility, accommodations, inclusive | |
Faculty Orientation Resources | tenure-track faculty, non-tenure-track faculty, adjunct faculty |
Faculty Professional Development | evaluation, IDEA, resources, events, training, wellness, FAWN |
Faculty Resource Network at New York University | FRN, events |
Faculty Wellness | Active Minds, emotional, environmental, occupational, physical, resources |
FFC, resources, september 1, faculty meeting | |
FFC, resources, september 3, faculty meeting | |
Tenure-track, promotion | |
File Construction Resources | evaluation, standards, procedure, tenure, promotion |
Fillable Faculty Plan Word Document | Tenure-track, promotion |
First Year File Construction | summary, guide, policy, procedure, resources |
Gagné's 9 Events of Instruction | strategies, tips, ideas, tools, teaching, learning |
Giving Instructors an Extra Boost of Creativity and Motivation |
effective communication, engaging, critical thinking |
Guided Meditation - RVCC Planetarium | wellness, mindfulness, stress reduction, relaxation, mental health |
Guidelines for Hybrid Courses | face-to-face, online, class, planning, virtual, design, practices |
Google Tutorials | Docs, basics, how-to, template, tips, guide |
Health Benefits of PA | physical, activity, exercise, movement, wellness |
How to Access Stockton University's Student Portal | goStockton, student, go, account, services |
How to Access and Use Blackboard 9.1 Learn | portal, home, courses, content, grades, announcements |
How to Create a Syllabus | article |
How to Get Your Students to Read | article |
How to Make Your Teaching More Engaging | article, active learning |
How to Submit Assignments on Blackboard 9.1 Learn | home, write, review, draft, virtual |
How to Use the Discussion Board on Blackboard 9.1 Learn | forum, thread, post, submit, reply |
IDEA Diagnostic Survey Form | sample, student, feedback, instruction, course, scale |
IDEA Diagnostic Feedback Form Information | progress, summary, rating, data, survey |
IDEA Faculty Reporting Guide | Campus Labs, course, evaluation, survey, summary |
IDEA Instructor Summary Report | video, tutorial, access, faculty, feedback, survey |
IDEA Objectives Form | faculty, information, scale, report, purpose |
IDEA Paper #45 | assessment, evaluation, SLO, goals, measure, policies |
IDEA Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison Reports | video, tutorial, segment, course, data |
Inclusive Student Success | UDL, universal design for learning, accessibility, diversity, disability, equity, ADA |
Inclusive Teaching | STILT, trauma informed practice, first amendment, classroom resources, diversity, equity, belonging, inclusion, justice |
Increasing Online Survey Response Rates | Small Class Online, IDEA, feedback, end of term, evaluation |
Instructional Technology Fund | tool, subscription |
Instructional Tools | videos, concept maps, discussion, visual, polling |
Instructor Feedback Formative Assessment Tool | course, evaluation, assessment, questions, Campus Labs |
International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) Resources | fellows, application, co-facilitator, advocacy, community |
Interpreting IDEA Summaries with Defaulted to Important Objectives | PRO, summary, report, data, personnel |
Interpreting IDEA | self, student, peer, evaluation, assessment, rating |
Kahoot Demo | video, tutorial, instruction, tools, questions |
Learning Design & Delivery | faculty, resources, planning, tutorials, appointments |
Librarians First Year File Construction | plan, faculty, advisor, mentor, agreement |
Librarians Second, Fifth Year File Construction | faculty, plan, contract, tenure, promotion |
Library Learning Commons Renovation | Richard E. Bjork |
Library Streaming Video Resources Info Video | Richard E. Bjork, tutorial |
Making Physical Activity a Part of an Older Adult | health, wellness, balance, exercise, movement |
Methods of Assessment Resources | comparison, direct, indirect, exams, projects, surveys |
Midterm Feedback Form (Blackboard Survey) | student, survey, progress, report, classroom |
Midterm Feedback Form (Google Form) | student, survey, progress, report, classroom |
Midterm Feedback Form (Word Document) | student, survey, progress, report, classroom |
Mobile Device Use in the Classroom | research, phones, laptops, accessibility, participation |
Mock Observation | classroom, discussion, student, example, feedback |
Navigating Heated Classroom Discussions: Tips for Educators | civil discussion, respect, open dialog, active engagement |
New Faculty Orientation Resources | tenure-track faculty |
NTTP Faculty Resources | orientation, non-tenure-track |
NTTP File Construction | guide, practices, non-tenure-track, advising, resources |
Observation Note Taking | template, sample, questions, student feedback |
Observation Report Form | classroom, discussion, survey, student, teacher, interaction |
Online Course MOA | consultation, course review, certification |
OSCQR Rubric | online, virtual, teaching, tool, design |
PA Key Guidelines | physical activity, exercise, movement, safety, age |
Part Time File Construction | faculty, contract, procedures, policy, resources |
Peer Evaluations at Stockton NFO 2013 | interpret, IDEA, objectives, progress, feedback |
Peer of Teaching Observation Report | form, assessment, lecture, instruction, review |
Peer Observation Form | policy, annual, contract, faculty, review |
Peer Observation Guidelines | policy, annual, contract, faculty, review |
Peer Observation of Teaching (SIPET) | faculty, colleague, resources, forms, summary |
Peer Observation of Teaching - Perceptions of the Observer and the Observed | research, analysis, data, validity, benefits |
PEN America Resources | free speech, first amendment, classroom discussion, inclusive teaching, diversity |
Personnel Actions Calendar | faculty, staff, librarian, schedule, deadlines |
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index | survey, measure, sleep hygiene, insomnia, health |
Planning for Alternate Course Delivery | contingency, campus closure, virtual, online, hybrid, blended, distance, learning |
Preceptorial Advising Day Resources | preceptor, resources, bookings, appointment, forms |
Presentation Assignment Example | group, individual, project, guidelines, alternate assessment |
Presentation Skill Development | leadership, student, public speaking, time management, alternate assessment |
Program Review Committee Responsibilities | faculty, evaluation, procedure, policy, pandemic, tenure, prc, guide |
PRC Prep Information Session | workshop, professional development, program review committee |
Program Standards | curriculum, expectations, college, university, school, guidelines |
Project Ideas for Research and Information Literacy | template, analysis, project, paper, presentation |
Promote Student Engagement and Assess Learning with Polling Tools | interaction, quiz, active learning, guage, question |
Promoting Student Engagement | active learning, activities, tools, teaching, techniques |
Promotion of Tenured and Part Time Faculty | assistant, associate, professors, application, portfolio |
Put Down your Phone | health, mindfulness, sleep, technology, wellness |
Qualtrics – Best Practices When Designing a Survey | tutorial, how-to, video, feedback, classroom |
Qualtrics Tutorials | how-to, research, configuration, project, report |
Quality Matters Rubric (QM) | standards, objectives, accessibility, inclusion, course planning |
YouTube Quick Cuts for Health Sciences Programs | microlearning, videos, tutorials, group, discussion |
Real World Creative Assignments | final, project, alternate, assessment, student, engagement |
Reclaiming the Joy of Teaching | learning, joy, empathy, awe |
Recording a Session in Zoom | tutorial, how-to, lecture, online, session |
Recording Attendance and Grading Students Remotely In Blackboard | tutorial, how-to, video, online classroom |
Reflective Summary Resources | tips, writing, process, reflection, assessment |
Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol | procedure, practices, standard, review, assessment |
Resource for Students Giving Presentations | tips, public speaking, anxiety, preparedness, help |
Rubrics | tutorial, video, how-to, grading, standard |
School Standards | program, policy, guidelines, requirements, expectation |
Second, Fifth Year File Construction | agreement, contract, application, promotion, tenure |
Selecting IDEA Objectives | assessment, evaluation, SLO, goals, measure, policies |
SIPET General Guidance for Observers | observation, pedagogy, discussion, checklist, evaluation |
SIPET MOA 2013 | peer, evaluation, teaching, observation, pedagogy, discussion, checklist, evaluation |
Six Year Reconsideration | tenure, review, promotion, eligible, faculty |
Sleep Well | video, hygiene, health, wellness, tips |
Small Class Instrument Survey | feedback, objectives, student, response |
SoTL | teaching, learning, engagement, active, policy |
STARS - April 22 - 26, 2024 | Scholarshaip, Teaching, Reserarch, Symposium |
Steps to Course Assessment | infographic, how-to, SLO, course, mapping, planning |
Stockton Cares - Student Referrals | adovocate, crisis, emergency, help, assistance, intervention |
Student Engagement Handout | reflection, active learning, classroom, learning, collaboration |
Student Evaluations at Stockton New Faculty Version | observation, self-evaluation, peer, student, first year |
Student Guidance for Writing Assignments | papers, research, report, portfolio, essay, tips |
Student Learning Outcome Assessment | checklist, definitions, SLO, PLO, objectives |
Suggestions to Promote Student Learning During a Faculty Absence | course, planning, attend, illness, holiday, time conflict, schedule |
Summer 2019 Institute - Designing an Exemplary Course | course, delivery, outcomes, student engagement, digital, instruction |
Summer Institute | 2024 |
Synergy Occupational | teamwork, collaboration, scholarship, FAWN, wellness |
Teaching an Exemplary Course | student-centered, objectives, goals, active, learning, engagement |
Teacher Behaviors Inventory | measure, student, evaluation, survey, classroom |
Teaching Essentials Survey | student, evaluation, perspective, sample, questions |
Teaching Observation Report Form | peer, evaluation, notes, comments, template |
Teaching Practices | resources, active, learning, discussions, exams, quizzes, student engagement |
Teaching Tips | semester preparation, tasks, campus information, orientation, faculty, checklist, to do |
Teaching with Zoom Checklist | tips, online, virtual, distance, learning, hybrid |
Technology Teaching and Learning Tools | activities, presentations, projects, resources, lesson, planning |
Tenure Track Instructors File Construction | faculty, professors, plan, requirements, calendar |
Tenure Upon Hire | faculty, requirements, agreement, procedures, file |
Test Question Formatter for Blackboard Original | Blackboard, test question generator, exam, quiz |
The Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) Higher Ed | assignments, assessment, inclusive teaching |
Tips for an Engaging Videoconference Session | virtual, online, presentation, tools, lecture |
Tips for Engaging Students | virtual, online, Blackboard, Zoom, discussion, engagement, Collaborate |
Tips to Use Polling | classroom, technology, participation, how-to, survey |
Trauma-Aware Teaching Checklist / Compassionate Teaching Practices | safety, trustworthiness, transparency, support, collaboration, mutuality, empowerment |
Turnitin | plagiarism, software, similarity, report, tutorial, video |
Tutorials | how-to, Blackboard, Digication, Qualtrics, CampusLabs, Google, resources, Zoom |
Types of Assessment Resources | formative, summative, description, test, exam, project |
Universal Design For Learning (UDL): A Guide for Educators | inclusive, goal-directed |
Upload a Test Created in Word into Blackboard Ultra | tutorial, Blackboard, assessment, test, convert |
Using Mentimeter for Active Learning | Video, polling, tool |
Using Padlet as a Flip alternative | flipgrid, record videos, upload videos, discussion |
Using Video Tools and Resources to Promote Student Learning | TED Talks, Khan Academy, Crash Course, YouTube, iTunesU, teaching, engagement |
Video Conference Tips | Zoom, virtual, online, teaching, distance learning |
Video in Blackboard | LMS, tutorial, how-to, course, content, post |
Video Tools and Resources | TED talks, Khan Academy, Crash Course, YouTube, iTunesU, teaching, engagement |
View File Accessibility with Ally in Blackboard Learn | content, document, report, preview, LMS, ADA |
Week of Teaching | schedule, sessions, calendar, presentation, discussion |
Wellness Basil | pesto, sauce, recipe, self-care, Google slides |
Workload Estimator | course, tool, calculator, assignment, planning |
Writing Program-level Student Learning Outcomes Resources | SLO, Bloom's Taxonomy, course, planning, mapping |
XIIID File Construction | summary, visitng, faculty, protocol, requirements, timeline, agreement |
XIIIO File Construction | visiting, faculty, contract, requirements, timeline, agreement, protocol |
XIIID/XIIIO Switched to Tenure Track | faculty, review, cycle, agreement, outline, procedure, promotion |
Zoom Annotation | notetaking, screenshare, whiteboard, enable |
Zoom: Beyond the Basics | video, tutorial, interface, virtual, online, classroom |
Zoom Breakout Rooms | how-to, enable, group, online, virtual, classroom, meeting |
Zoom Chat | how-to, enable, online, virtual, video, classroom, meeting, direct message |
Zoom Etiquette | online, web, conferencing |
Zoom Meetings - ITS Tutorials | how-to, online, virtual, video, calssroom, meeting, conference |
Zoom Personal Meeting Room | how-to, online, virtual, video, classroom, meeting, conference, private, one on one |
Zoom Polling | how-to, online, virtual, video, classroom, meeting, conference, survey, enable |
Zoom Sharing a screen | how-to, online, virtual, video, classroom, meeting, conference, presentation, present, screensharing |
Zoom Whiteboard | how-to, online, virtual, video, classroom, meeting, notetaking, annotation, tools |