Institutional Committees
This website contains information about institutional committees that work on a variety of topics for Stockton University.
This list is meant to be comprehensive, but not necessarily exhaustive, and has been formulated based on three general criteria.
- The committee should be institutionally sanctioned
- The committee should be addressing ongoing issues rather than one-time issues
- The committee should be focused on matters internal to the University
Faculty members representing each of the schools, and two to four students, typically make up the Academic Honesty Appeals Board. Faculty selected to the Academic Honesty Appeals Board by their school adhere to the same term lengths as all other committees on campus. The selection process for faculty members of the Academic Honesty Appeals Board is conducted in the same manner as the other standing committee elections held by their respective schools. The student representatives are appointed by the Student Senate and the Graduate Student Council to a term of one year.
The Board shall be composed of one (1) representative from each of the Schools, elected by the faculty of the respective School. Members shall serve two-year terms. Elections will be held in the Spring term and newly elected members shall take office on the first day of the following Fall term. Vacancies of elected members shall be filled for the unexpired term. For a term of two years, one member shall serve as chair, with voting rights, for convened meetings of the Board. Each member of the Board will have full voting and floor rights in the Board meetings. As designee of the Provost shall serve as Secretary to the Board, but will not vote.
Stockton University’s Biodiversity Committee endeavors to promote and encourage long-term preservation of our biological heritage and foster a knowing stewardship of our Campus through research and educational initiatives. This committee meets monthly and consists of faculty, staff, and a student representative.
The Committee on Campus Diversity and Inclusive Excellence (“Committee”) serves as an advisory body to the President and Chief Officer on matters of campus diversity and inclusion. The Committee assists the University in enacting its espoused commitment to diversity and inclusion.
The Data Research & Standards group consists of selected individuals from key administrative areas who have been designated as "data custodians". The group is responsible for developing and evaluating data standards and work plans for Banner related projects and data.
The Employee Campus Hearing Board consists of twenty-six (26) employees as listed below and is established to provide a pool from which a smaller Executive Hearing Panel is chosen to adjudicate employees accused of violating the Campus Code of Conduct.
The Faculty Senate serves as the representative body elected by the Faculty to provide a Faculty voice in the formulation of College policy. The Senate is composed of members of the larger Faculty Assembly and represents the interests of that Assembly. The Senate may consider any College matter on its own initiative or at the request of the Faculty Assembly, the Committees, individual Faculty members, students, the College administration, the Board of Trustees, or any campus organization. It may review any College policies and make recommendations concerning them.
The Faculty Senate convened the Task Force on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Fall 2018, under the leadership of President Donnetrice Allison, to update and build upon the work of the Faculty Teaching Circle on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence that had met from 2014-2016. The Faculty Senate Task Force was renewed in May 2019 and served for a second year under President Laura Zucconi.
The Information Technology Advisory board (ITAB) is a visionary, planning, working, and advisory board that serves to advise the Chief Information Officer, and other senior officers at Stockton University as appropriate, on resources and priorities concerning all aspects of computing, information management, and communication technology. The ITAB will strive to promote a culture of innovation, flexibility, integrity and unity while committing the IT team to service goals that facilitate harmony and partnership throughout the entire institution in support of the University’s strategic plan.
The purpose of the Stockton Space Management Committee (SMC) is to develop and promote a new space management vision and procedures regarding space owned or controlled by the University. The SMC will also review and make recommendations regarding requests that involve significant alterations, major re-assignments or functional changes in space owned or controlled by the University. University Divisions include Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Administration and Finance, and the President’s Office (which includes the Office of the President, Development and Alumni Affairs, University Relations, Office of the General Counsel, Office of Planning, Office of Computer and Telecommunication Services, and Office of Diversity and Equity).
The Stockton ADA-Rehabilitation Act Steering Committee is charged with providing ongoing assistance to the Chief Officer/ADA-504 Coordinator in coordinating Stockton’s effort to ensure that its (1) living, learning, and working environments are accessible to persons with disabilities and (2) procedures, practices and plans for addressing disability issues are responsive to the current understanding of the ADA and Rehabilitation Act requirements.
Subcommittees include Academic Access, Policies and Procedures, Facilities and Parking, Technology, and Communication.
The SEMP Council has been charged with leading the creation and implementation of the University’s long-term strategic enrollment management plan in an inclusive, systematic, and coordinated process with a strong emphasis on cross-divisional cooperation. The SEMP council has formed five action teams to carry out this charge: Academic Planning, Marketing and Recruitment, Operations, Research, and Student Success.
The SBUG group consists of individuals from administrative and academic areas focused on student services. The group is responsible for developing and evaluating data processes and definitions related to Banner Student and affiliated data.
In July of 2009, the Stockton Veteran Advisory Board was established to implement
the following mission:
Provide advice and consultation on how to make Stockton College a more “veteran and
military friendly” school.
Provide advice and consultation on how to incorporate the local community to participate and support Stockton veteran programs.
Provide advice and consultation on how to reach out to the local and state-wide military
organizations to participate and support Stockton veteran programs.
Overall, create a supportive campus atmosphere and make available comprehensive services
so that veterans can have a successful academic experience and college life at Stockton.