Virtual Orientation


School of Business Orientation

Welcome to the School of Business (BUSN)!

The School of Business offers students a high-quality, affordable undergraduate and graduate education strongly infused by the liberal arts. Our programs offer optional areas of concentration, areas of interest, internships, service learning, independent studies and undergraduate research experiences. 

Our majors include: Business Studies (which offers concentrations in Accounting (ACCT), Business Analytics (BUSA), Finance (FINA), Financial Planning (FINP), Management (MGMT) and Marketing (MKTG). Additional majors include Computer Science (CSCI), Computer Information Systems (CIST), Computing, as well as Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management Studies (HTMS). We also have an accelerated Dual Degree Program, a Master of Business Administration, and our newest graduate degree is the Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Administration and Leadership. 

Our outstanding faculty will guide you through a curriculum designed to enhance your understanding of the best practices in a changing business world. Faculty in the School of Business have specialized industry experience and produce scholarly works that advance the knowledge and practice within the diverse areas of business.

Stockton University’s School of Business will give you a place to belong and will help you to develop as an individual.  We hope that this virtual registration experience exceeds your expectations.  If you find that you still have questions about registration or the curriculum within the School of Business, please do not hesitate to contact us at

You are now officially a Stockton Osprey!


Image of preregistration time

Once your modules are completed, you will receive notification that you can register for classes using Degree Works. The following videos will explain what courses you should register for in your first semester as a first year student or transfer student and how to register for classes using Degree Works.



Degree Works and Curriculum Overview

How To Browse and Register For Courses 


 First Year Student Registration Checklist

General checklist

  • Register for all required First-Year Studies Program (FRST) courses (unless you tested out). If you are not sure, please check your Degree Works or the letter you may have received or visit their website for course information.
  • Take a Quantitative Reasoning (Q1) or Writing Intensive (W1). Introductory Math courses (except developmental math) are Q1 courses.
  • Review campus location for each class selected (If on multiple campuses, ensure there is an allowance of at least half an hour for travel time).
  • Register for a First Year Student Seminar (only take one – course begins with 10XX)
  • Check to make sure you have the correct number of credits to be a full-time (at least 12) or part-time (fewer than 12) student.
  • A BUSN full-time first year student may typically take 4 courses out of the following choices:
    • Math course - CIST 1206 - Statistics (4 credits)
    • Freshman seminar - required (4 credits)
    • Writing (W1) course (4 credits)
    • Economics course - ECON 1200 – Introduction to Macroeconomics (4 credits)
    • 2000-level GAH, GEN, GNM, GSS course with any of the A, H, I, V, W1 attributes (4 credits)
    • MGMT 2110 – Introduction to Management OR MKTG 2110 – Marketing Principles OR HTMS 2101 – Introduction to HTMS (4 credits)

Once you finished registering

  • Have an advisor in your Zoom room review and approve your schedule
  • Complete emergency contacts in Go Portal (text message and general)
  • View your bill (or use the “Bill Estimator”)
  • Complete electronic survey regarding virtual orientation experience


 Transfer Student Registration Checklist

General checklist

  • Review campus location for each class selected (If on multiple campuses, ensure there is an allowance of at least half an hour for travel time)
  • Consider taking a transfer seminar
  • Take a balanced course load of less difficult and more difficult courses
  • Examine to make sure you have the correct number of credits to be a full-time (at least 12) or part-time (fewer than 12) student
  • Check that no courses you have registered for fall into “courses not used” on Degree Works
  • A BUSN full-time transfer may typically take 4 courses out of the following choices:
    • Math course - CIST 1206 – Statistics - if you haven’t taken it, counts towards the Q1 attribute a OR a Math/Program course that may count towards a Q1 or Q2 attribute (4 credits)
    • Transfer seminar OR writing course (4 credits)
    • Foundations course like ACCT 2110/ACCT 2120 OR MGMT 2110 – Introduction to Management OR MKTG 2110 – Marketing Principles OR HTMS 2101 – Introduction to HTMS OR PLAW 2120/PLAW 3110 (4 credits)
    • 2000-3000 level program courses
    • 2000-level and above GAH, GEN, GNM, GSS course with any of the A, H, I, V, W1, W2 attributes. If you have 64 or more credits – GIS course with any of the A, H, I, V, W1, W2 attributes (4 credits)

Once you finished registering

  • Have an advisor in your Zoom room review and approve your schedule
  • Complete emergency contacts in Go Portal (text message and general)
  • View your bill (or use the “Bill Estimator”)
  • Complete electronic survey regarding virtual orientation experience

Issues with Registration

What to do should you receive a Pre-Req, Test Score Error or any other issues with registering for a BUSN course (Course Acronyms: BSNS, BUSA, CSCI, CIST, FINA, FINP, HTMS, MGMT, MKTG, PLAW, SUST, and other 'G' courses taught by BUSN faculty):

Prerequisite Error: A course that is required as a prior condition to complete another course.

  1. Carefully double check the requirements for the course through the Prerequisites tab on course catalog.
  2. If you have transfered in AP credits or classes from another institution that meet the prerequisite requirement, you will need an override. If you do not see the transferred credits on your Degree Works, you must have an official transcript sent from previous institution or College Board as soon as possible
  3. Complete the BUSN Form. (An override is a permit to bypass the error only if you meet the requirements). A screenshot of any courses from previous institution may be included in your correspondence for an override if the course(s) or AP credit(s) is  not reflected on your Degree Works. Please complete the form with as much information as possible (Z number, course acronym, section, etc.)
  4. Once you are issued the override, you will be contacted to register for the course.
Degree Works Pop Out Box

Registration FAQs 


Email with a brief description of the issue. Please be sure to include the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your Z number
  • The course registration number (CRN – 5-digit number that begins with 8),
  • The course acronym, number, section number, and title
  • The error code you received when you attempted to register

Please allow up to 24 hours for a response

If you think you’ve taken a course that meets the prerequisite for a course you would like to register, please complete the BUSN Form. You will receive a response within 24 hours.

  • Prerequisite or test score error: You will receive a prerequisite error if a course is required as a prior condition to complete the course for which you are trying to register. You will receive a test score error if you did not meet the prerequisite grade requirement for a course. Please review the prerequisites carefully in the Course Catalog.
  • Corequisite error: You will receive a corequisite error if you do not register for the other course requirement at the same time. Go back to Search Results in Registration tab and select a corequisite course that fits your schedule, then resubmit.
  • Time conflict error: You will receive this error if you attempt to register for a class that meets at the same time as another class that you have already registered for. Please check your schedule to avoid time conflicts.

Students with questions about their placement or courses should contact Pam Cross at 609-652-4441 or

Students who want to change from one FRST 1000-level class section to another should contact or text/call:  (609) 200-6846

If you wish to change your major or concentration, please email  You can also call advising at 609.652.4504. The Center for Academic Advising can assist changing your major or concentration

During your advising session we can help you change to a new major if you desire and assist you with registering for appropriate courses.

If you have any question about your major requirements, please email your program coordinator. Program Coordinators supervise the execution of the program and ensure faculty members have everything they need to complete their courses. The program coordinator position is held by a faculty member for two years. In July at the end of their second year, a new coordinator is assigned.

The list of faculty, program coordinators and their contact information can be foundhere.

Zoom Advising Session Tips

Please read these tips before beginning your Zoom advising session.

  • When signing into your Zoom session please use both your first and last name.
  • Position your camera properly
    • Make sure that your camera it is in a stable position and focused at eye level, if possible. Doing so helps create a more direct sense of engagement with other participants. 
  • Limit distractions
    • You can make it easier to focus on the meeting by turning off notifications, closing or minimizing running apps, and muting your smart phone.
  • Have a piece of paper and a pen readily available in order to take notes and recommendations from your advisor
  • Have good lighting on your face so you can be seen clearly
    • Have a plain background and avoid a lot of backlight or sitting in front of a window
  • Have your video on unless you are experiencing connection issues
  • If you haven’t used Zoom before click the link to download Zoom prior to the day of the meeting
    • Familiarize yourself with any features you may need to use on the day
      • Mute/unmute microphone, stop/start video, screenshare etc.

If this is your first time using Zoom,  you can access a Test Meeting at If you encounter any issues or have any questions about accessing Zoom, please contact the IT Services Help Desk at 609-652-4309 or by e-mail at 

FALL 2020 thru SPRING 2021

 Please try not to schedule student-athletes during their respective practice or game days/times:


Field Hockey

M - F

2:45 - 5:30pm

(no classes after 3:00pm T or W)

Cross Country

M, W, F

T, R

2:30 - 5:00pm

7:30 - 9:30am

Track & Field

M - F

2:30 - 5:00pm

Men's Soccer

M - F


2:30 - 5:00pm

nothing after 2:20pm all days

preferably no night classes

Women's Soccer

M - F


3:00 - 5:00pm

nothing atfter 2:20pm


M, W, F

T, R

12:15 - 3:15 (no F after 12:35pm)

2:30 - 5:30pm (no night classes)


M - F


3:15 - 5:00pm

nothing after 2:00pm

Women's Basketball

M, T, R, F


3:00 - 6:00pm

nothing after 3:30pm

Men's Basketball

M, T, R, F


3:00 - 6:00pm

nothing after 3:30pm

Softball - Fall

T, R, F

3:00 - 6:00pm

Baseball - Fall

T, W

12:45 - 4:00pm

Lacrosse (Men)

M, W, F

5:30 - 7:30pm

Lacrosse (Women) - Fall

M - F

12:30 - 2:30pm

Women's Rowing - Fall (6 weeks)
M - F

Novice - 3:00 - 6:00pm

Varisty - 7:00 - 9:00am

Women's Rowing - Spring (13 weeks)
M - F
All crews - 3:30 - 5:30pm
Women's Golf - Fall
T, R
2:00 - 5:00pm