Mr. Deon Davis, Student Trustee
Mr. Deon Davis, an Atlantic City High School graduate of the class of 2015, is a junior Communication Studies major at Stockton University.
As a student at Atlantic City High School and through most of his academic career, Davis struggled with dyslexia. However, his involvement with the Champions of Youth program provided him with the resources needed to be academically successful. He attributes his academic success, leadership skills, and passion for community engagement to the program.
His interest in Stockton stemmed from a mission both he and the University share in common: a passion for community engagement. In addition, the University provided him with the small classes and personalized attention he needed to be academically successful and has proved to be a place where he could plant himself and grow.
Davis, a former member of Student Senate, is currently the Vice President of both Greek Council and the Pi Xi chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated, as well as a Resident Assistant at the University. Recently, Davis found a new opportunity to give back to his community through the practice of yoga, teaching at The Leadership Studio, a not-for-profit studio based in his hometown of Atlantic City.
Davis is excited that he has the opportunity to serve his fellow Stockton students as well as the University that he loves as the Student Trustee.