Marine Science Anti-Racism Statement
The faculty of the Marine Science program (MARS) stand in solidarity with black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) at Stockton University. The MARS faculty and students, and indeed the field of Marine Science in the United States, is strongly dominated by people of European descent and Eurocentric scientific knowledge. We acknowledge that people from different backgrounds will experience the MARS program differently, and that they will perceive different barriers to full inclusion, equity, and success. We recognize that it is our responsibility to make substantive change. We pledge to discover barriers for BIPOC students and faculty within our program and to make meaningful, lasting changes to ameliorate them.
In particular we will do the following...
Adopt a MARS community conduct standard. We expect MARS faculty, staff, and students to:
- Educate yourself about systemic racism and anti-racist actions.
- Be mindful about your known biases and aware of the likelihood that you have unconscious biases.
- Hold each other accountable. Speak up if you witness inappropriate behaviors.
- Be an advocate for others.
In the area of Student Recruitment:
- Diversify the imagery used in our website and recruitment materials.
- Recruit from high schools and community colleges with BIPOC student populations.
- Work with the Stockton Foundation to develop scholarships or grants for BIPOC students.
In the area of Student Retention:
- Reinforce the MARS community standard during various MARS events, such as precepting meetings and MARS Café seminars.
- Implement a common reading every year on diversity and equity in the (marine) sciences.
- Present examples of BIPOC scientists during coursework, invited speakers, and events.
- Increase emphasis on environmental justice in our curriculum.
- Develop summer internship funding to increase opportunities for BIPOC students to participate in research experiences.
- Foster a support network for the BIPOC students in our program, in collaboration with similar academic programs (e.g., ENVL, GEOL, SUST).
- Improve identification and mentoring of struggling students before they drop the program.
- Offer precepting support for MARS-aspirant students (those interested in the degree but not qualified to declare) in their first year.
In the area of New Faculty Searches:
- Target advertising to Historically Black and Hispanic-serving Universities and BIPOC professional societies.
- Develop and maintain professional faculty connections to HBCHUs.
- Advocate for coordinated, cross-disciplinary cluster hires within NAMS open to a broad range of research specialties.
- Work with a trained search advocate to reduce unconscious bias in the hiring process.
Adopted on August 19, 2020.