Club Connect: Meet the… Asian Student Alliance

The Asian Student Alliance is just one way to get involved at Stockton University.
Galloway, N.J. – Ever since the Asian Student Alliance (ASA) began in the early 90s, it has served as one of the biggest advocates for the Asian American community here at Stockton University.
With this club, members have found a place that allows them to appreciate their culture and get involved with others who share similar experiences and backgrounds.
Along with the Phoenix Night Market, ASA will also be in attendance at the East Coast Asian American Union (ECAASU), a big East Coast conference where many colleges get the opportunity to learn more about Asian culture. This event, taking place in Washington, D.C. in April, presents multiple guest speakers and interactive workshops where students can get involved and network themselves.
If all of these events and activities sound exciting, you, too, can join the fun! Find ASA on OspreyHub or follow them on Instagram and Facebook (@StocktonASA).
Managing officer Gabriele Depaor went in depth about the importance of welcoming new members, “We want new members to be able to surround themselves in a community where they truly feel comfortable with themselves as well as their culture. We want them to come to every meeting with a new appreciation for everyone’s unique backgrounds.”
Meetings with ASA are never the same. This club prides itself on making every week different and more enjoyable. Along with talking about culture and what truly goes on in the Asian community, members try to make it an overall good experience for everyone involved, with various activities to spark new conversations.
In addition to fun activities held at weekly meetings, ASA also hosts unforgettable events around campus, helping new members and the Asian American culture here at Stockton get more involved. Last year, ASA hosted the Phoenix Night Market to celebrate its 30th anniversary.
“We were privileged enough to invite popular Indie artist Rocco, as well as another fellow artist Fig, who recently opened for one of the most popular Asian American artists, Grant Perez,” said Depaor. This event will also be taking place this year in late March.
– Story by Erin Lally of the Osprey Social Team
– Photo by Susan Allen
There are over 150 ways for students at Stockton University to get involved – explore the clubs and organizations on campus by checking out the twice-a-year Get Involved Fair or through OspreyHub.