Workplace Injury
- Inform your supervisor immediately or have someone inform your supervisor immediately
- Supervisor should inform Human Resources immediately AND also immediately initiate an Accident Report, filling in as much information as known regarding time/place of accident and employee information.
Note: Forms are on our Human Resource website; click on “Forms” Accident Report is first item.
Accident and Safety Forms Accident Report for workplace injury or illness
- Call Human Resources as soon as possible – ext. 4384.
- Immediately fill out Accident Report with complete detail of accident, sign and date.
- Have your supervisor sign and date “Supervisor’s section” (lower right corner).
- Bring completed accident report to Human Resources.
- If you feel you need to be treated by a doctor, Human Resources will make arrangements for you to receive treatment and evaluation of your injury at Atlanticare Occupational Medicine, address below.
- Immediately inform your supervisor or another individual working with you.
- Immediately fill out Accident Report with complete detail of accident, sign and date.
- Bring completed Accident Report to Human Resources.
- If you feel you need to be treated by a doctor, go to Atlanticare-Urgent Care office listed below. DO NOT give them your personal insurance information, specify that this is a work-related injury and your Human Resources office will call them the following working day with a claim number.
AtlantiCare – Occupational Health – Urgent Care:
Egg Harbor Township (preferred)
Occupational and Urgent Care
2500 English Creek Avenue
Bldg. 900 – Suite 908
Egg Harbor Twp, NJ 08234
Hours: M-F 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (Occupational)
Daily 8:30 am – 8:00 pm (Urgent Care)
Phone: 609-677-7200
Galloway Urgent Care
(After Hours Only)
110 E Jimmie Leeds Rd.Galloway, NJ 08205
Hours: Daily 8:30 am– 8:00pm
Phone: 609-784-2100
Somers Point Urgent Care
(After Hours Only)
443 Shore Rd, Suite 103Somers Point, NJ 08244
Hours: Daily 8:30am – 8:00pm
Phone: 609-569-7077
If you are injured and these offices are closed, go directly to the emergency room at AtlantiCare (Galloway/AC)
Again, make sure they are aware that it is a WORK-RELATED INJURY.
Employees should not be going to their personal physician for workplace injuries. Please contact HR before doing so.
In order to be considered for coverage, an accident report must be submitted to HR within 48 hours of the accident.