Club Connect: Meet... La Trinidad Asociada

La Trinidad Asociada is just one way to get involved at Stockton University.
Galloway, N.J. – There is strength in unity, and La Trinidad Asociada could be the perfect way to find a community here at Stockton University.
As they come up on their one-year anniversary as an organization, club president Gabriela Montero describes a productive semester ahead for La Trinidad Asociada.
With their first drive being a success and after hearing that the children had a lot of fun with their new toys, they plan on continuing their charitable efforts abroad with another toy and supply drive. This year, they hope to expand their charitable efforts to reach communities in Cuba and Puerto Rico.
Join the club on OspreyHub and follow their Instagram (@Stockton.Trini) for more information on their upcoming events!
As an organization, their goal is to shed a spotlight on the cultures of the Caribbean countries of Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Dominican Republic. They discuss what is currently happening in these countries as well as highlight the Afro-Latino side of these cultures.
The club is open to anyone in the Stockton community – according to Montero, “At the end of the day, we are all similar and all united.”
They dedicate their biweekly meetings to one of the Caribbean countries each week and deep dive into various aspects of that country's culture and current events. This portion of the meeting is usually followed by a different activity inspired by the country of discussion.
Since their first semester as an organization, the club has placed importance on giving back to their Caribbean communities abroad. Last year they ran a supply and toy drive to raise gifts for a donation to the Dominican Republic.
The Caribbean communities are often pitted against each other, but this club hopes to bridge that gap and instead bring together students from a range of backgrounds.
– Story and photo by Zuleika Rodriguez Garcia of the Osprey Social Team
There are over 150 ways for students at Stockton University to get involved – explore the clubs and organizations on campus by checking out the twice-a-year Get Involved Fair or through OspreyHub.