Club Connect: Meet... Los Latinos Unidos

Los Latinos Unidos is just one way to get involved at Stockton University.

Galloway, N.J. – One of Stockton’s largest cultural organizations on campus, Los Latinos Unidos (LLU), works to spread Latino history and culture on campus in addition to hosting fun activities open to all. 

Every meeting revolves around a Latino cultural topic or experience, and students come together to have a discussion, enjoy a meal and participate in an interactive activity.

The organization hosts several trips throughout the year, such as the annual trip to Yankee Stadium during Hispanic Heritage Month. This semester, LLU will be trying something new – the organization is in the planning process of hosting its inaugural gala on March 21, similar to last semester’s event “Noche de Fiesta.”

Join the club on OspreyHub and follow their Instagram (@Stockton_LLU) for updates on upcoming meetings and events. 

Los Latinos Unidos welcomes new attendees to their biweekly meetings (Mondays at 8 p.m. in G-137), and the organization emphasizes that members do not need to be Latino in order to participate. Their only request is for students to join with an open mind and willingness to learn.

For students interested in joining Los Latinos Unidos, expect to experience “laughs, social engagement and friendship,” Secretary of LLU and Language and Cultural Studies major Sol Lopez said. “It’s kind of like a family after a little while. You get to know each other more, step out of your comfort zone and speak your mind about certain topics during the meetings.”

– Story and photo by Laura Leonel of the Osprey Social Team 

Student Development

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There are over 150 ways for students at Stockton University to get involved – explore the clubs and organizations on campus by checking out the twice-a-year Get Involved Fair or through OspreyHub.