Message from President Kesselman on Roe v. Wade Decision

Dear Stockton Community,
Today’s 6-3 decision on Roe vs. Wade from the U.S. Supreme Court, while expected, is still shocking, disturbing, and a huge step backwards for the basic rights of women to determine their own health care and reproductive choices.
It is also an incredibly disquieting warning, based on Justice Clarence Thomas’s concurring opinion, that other rights could also be at risk including rights to contraception, same-sex consensual relations and same-sex marriage.
Most of us are fortunate to live in New Jersey, where Governor Phil Murphy and the New Jersey State Legislature this year took the strong step of affirming the “fundamental right to reproductive autonomy.” We unequivocally support that decision and will continue to advocate for a woman’s right to choose and other fundamental human rights for which so many have fought for so long.
I want to assure our faculty, staff, and students that here at Stockton we remain committed to providing our students with the information and support they need in making reproductive health care choices, no matter what they may be. We are here for you, and we will support you.
Best regards,
Harvey Kesselman
Stockton University