New Exhibit 'Lilt' Features Contemporary Sculptures

'Something Old, Something New' by Kathleen Spicer is part of the new exhibit titled 'Lilt' at Kramer Hall in Hammonton by the Noyes Museum of Art of Stockton University.
Hammonton, N.J. — The dictionary defines the word lilt as a rhythmic swing or cadence, or to sing or play in a light or rhythmic manner.
A group of 16 artists used the word as a jumping off point for a new exhibit titled “Lilt” presented at Stockton University’s Kramer Hall by the Noyes Museum of Art of Stockton in collaboration with Philadelphia Sculptors.
The exhibit uses elements of light, movement and layered forms to embrace the viewer in a meditative, almost other-worldly ambience, said Noyes Museum Executive Director Michael Cagno.
The 25 artworks were selected by jurors TK Smith and Brittany Webb and will be on
view from Oct. 20 through Jan. 20, 2023. An opening reception will be held 5-7 p.m.
Oct. 20.
“In this sculpture exhibition, ‘Lilt’ is made tangible through the meticulous manipulation of material into both abstract and figural forms,” Cagno said. “The artists responding to the open call challenged us to approach the term in new ways, to expansively consider the ephemeral and immaterial, and the definition of sculpture itself.”
Philadelphia Sculptors is the only professional organization of sculptors in the Philadelphia region. Incorporated in 1997, its mission is to promote contemporary sculpture and serve as an advocate for sculptors by expanding public awareness of the role and value of sculpture within our culture.
The exhibiting artists are: Jessica Beckwith, Neill Catangay, Marcy Chevali, Kristen Jordan, Aaron Kalinay, Virginia Maksymowicz, Elizabeth Miller-McCue, Lisa Nanni, Joanna Platt, Sherry Rossini, Helge Speth, Kathleen Spicer, Pamela Tudor, Nina Valdera, Michelle Vara and Georgette Veeder.
Their works are a combination of sculptures and multimedia installations that appear to be dipping and swaying in an imagined dance with one another, Cagno said. The artwork brings to mind themes of harmony, new life and spiritual connection.
Valdera’s work, “Turning on the Corner,” projects changing lights as it slowly rotates, while “Memory,” a mosaic of colored transparent slides hanging in front of a window, incorporates natural light into a different set of changing light patterns. Joanna Platt’s “iCloud” uses digital techniques to create a “mediated meditation” as a time-lapse video of a summery day projects onto a cloud shape that is laser cut from clear acrylic.
Other artists suggest motion within the restrictions of a static object. Spicer uses a variety of media to create “Something Old, Something New” where overlapping and connected circular forms seem to roll forward within their own choreography.
Visitors can view the free exhibit “Lilt” from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday (Thursday open to 7 p.m.) at the Noyes Museum Galleries at Kramer Hall at 30 Front St. in Hammonton.
-- Story by Mark Melhorn