Bob Dylan: An American Phenotype
Bob Dylan: An American Phenotype
Fridays, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm ǀ July 9, 16, 23 and 30 in Zoom
Tuition: $45 for all four sessions
Instructor: John O’Hara, associate professor of Critical Thinking & First-Year Studies
This short course will examine Bob Dylan as an American phenotype: the hardscrabble
folk artist and poet, the visionary sage of Yankee consciousness and conscience, the
American poet par excellence. His songs hearken to a diverse array of musicians, poets,
troubadours, evangelists, preachers and pitch men: “I always thought of myself as
a song and dance man,” he joked sarcastically in D.A. Pennebaker’s film, Don’t Look
Back (1966). Despite his humble assertion, the striking lyrical quality of Dylan’s
work, and his inscrutable character, have captivated scholars and the general public
alike for six decades.
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