Narrative Approaches to Social Interaction

The Stockton Institute for Lifelong Learning (SILL) at the Stockton Center on Successful Aging (SCOSA) will offer two short courses taught by Stockton University faculty in February.  Each four-week course meets once a week for an hour. For more  information or Interim Assistant Director,or call 609-652-4311 and leave a message. 

sara martinoFriday, February 4, 11, 18 and 25; 12pm – 1 pm

Narrative Approaches to Social Interaction

Professor Sara Martino

Register Online via Zoom. 

Tuition:   Free to residents of Atlantic and Ocean Counties 60 years of age and older $45 for all 4 sessions.

Through this workshop, attendees will learn about the narrative perspective to life and to overcoming stressors.  Narrative therapy is a technique where one can relieve stress brought on by the stories we are told about ourselves.  The group will work together and learn from each other's stories as well as their own.