Assembly & Senate Elections
Current Elections
Next election: Graduate Studies represenatives to the Committees on Academic Policies & Academic Programs and Planning
Past Elections
Candidates for Senate President |
Thierry Elin-Saintine (GENS) *Mike Law (NAMS) Manish Madan (SOBL) |
Candidates for Senate Vice-President |
*Christy Goodnight (BUSN) |
Candidates for Senate Secretary | *Emma Witt (NAMS) |
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Submitted Candidate Profiles
*Monica Amadio, BUSN *Lauren Balasco, SOBL *Jacob Camacho, ARHU *Vasundhara Chakraborty, BUSN *Jiajin (Sandy) Chen, BUSN Petar Dobrev, BUSN *Joshua Duntley, SOBL *Philip Eaton, NAMS *Christian Ehiobuche, BUSN *Betsy Erbaugh, SOBL *Helana Girgis, SOBL *Geoffrey Gust, GENS *Robin Hernandez-Mekonnen, SOBL *Mina Jafarijoo, BUSN *Colleen Kase, SOBL *Daniel Ki, NAMS |
*Zheng Li, BUSN *Jennifer Martin, NAMS *Aaron Moss, ARHU Quynh Nguyen, BUSN *Monika Pawlowska, HLTH *Larider Ruffin, HLTH *Thierry Saintine, GENS *Aakash Taneja, BUSN *Christine Tartaro, SOBL Pu Tian, BUSN *Joseph Trout, NAMS *Beverly Vaughn, ARHU *Helen Wei, BUSN *Kerrin Wolf, BUSN *Jongbok Yi, ARHU Yuli Zhang, BUSN |
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Committee | Candidate(s) |
Academic Policies | *Emma Witt, NAMS |
Academic Programs and Planning |
*Naz Onel, BUSN |
Administration and Finance | *Petar Dobrev, BUSN |
General Studies | *John O’Hara, GENS |
Information Technology & Media Services |
*Monica Amadio, BUSN Akash Taneja, BUSN |
Library |
*Christy Goodnight, BUSN |
Research & Professional Development | *Justin Ostrofsky, SOBL |
Student Affairs |
*Robert Blaskiewicz, GENS |
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Amendments ratified on November 3, 2023 – 95 ballots cast: 93 Yes, 2 No
At the meeting on October 20, 2023, the Faculty Senate voted to ratify several amendments to the constitution. A summary of the amendments along with the constitution including the proposed amendments/changes highlighted in red is linked below. The next step in this process is ratification by the Faculty Assembly. The balloting for ratification will occur the week of October 30 through electronic voting. Ratification of the amendments require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Faculty Assembly vote. Article XI of the Faculty Constitution outlines the full amendment procedure.
Summary of Amendments & Constitution with Proposed Amendments Highlighted
The Committees on Academic Policies and Academic Programs and Planning each have two graduate studies represenatives elected by the Faculty at-large. Polls will open at noon on Monday, April 17 and remain open for voting until noon on Friday, April 21. Instructions for accessing the ballot will be emailed to all Faculty on Monday, April 17.
Candidates for Graduate Represenative to Academic Policies |
*George DeFeis, BUSN *Kimberly Furphy, HLTH |
Candidates for Graduate Represenative to Academic Programs and Planning |
*Amit Mukherjee, BUSN *Ye Ning, BUSN |
Submitted Candidate Profiles
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Candidates for Senate President |
Michael Law (NAMS)* Manish Madan (SOBL) Brian Tyrrell (BUSN) |
Candidates for Senate Vice-President |
Norma Boakes (EDUC)* Robin Hernandez-Mekonnen (SOBL) |
Candidates for Senate Secretary | Kristen Hallock-Waters (NAMS)* |
Submitted Candidate Profiles
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Luis Garcia, HLTH
Kristen Hallock-Waters, NAMS*
Mariana Smtih, ARHU
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Monica Amadio, BUSN* Hyeoncheol (Charlie) Baik, BUSN* Lauren Balasco, SOBL* Guy Barbato, NAMS* Muntakim Choudhury, BUSN Joe Cirio, GENS* George DeFeis, BUSN Petar Dobrev, BUSN Arleen Gonzalez, SOBL* Geoffrey Gust, GENS* Jessica Hallagan, NAMS* Kristen Hallock-Waters, NAMS* Jung Han, BUSN* Robin Hernandez-Mekonnen, SOBL* Mina Jafarijoo, BUSN* |
Daniel Ki, NAMS* Michael Law, NAMS* Zheng Li, BUSN* Aaron Moss, ARHU* Quynh Nguyen, BUSN* Matthew Olson, NAMS* Barry Palatnik, BUSN* Monika Pawlowska, HLTH* Larider Ruffin, HLTH* Thierry Saintine, GENS* Christine Tartaro, SOBL* Joseph Trout, NAMS* Beverly Vaughn, ARHU* Kerrin Wolf, BUSN* Yuli Zhang, BUSN |
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Submitted Candidate Profiles
Committee | Candidate(s) |
Academic Policies | Emma Witt, SOBL* |
Academic Programs and Planning |
Noel Criscione, BUSN Elizabeth Pollock, NAMS* |
Administration and Finance | Robin Hernandez-Mekonnen, SOBL* |
General Studies | John O’Hara, GENS* |
Information Technology & Media Services |
Helen Wei, BUSN* Adam Aguiar, NAMS |
Library |
Vasundhara Chakraborty, BUSN* Eric Hoyt, SOBL |
Research & Professional Development | Justin Ostrofsky, SOBL* |
Student Affairs |
Thierry Saintine, GENS* |
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Submitted Candidate Profiles
Candidates for Chair of the Committee on Research & Professional Development |
*Justin Ostrofsky (SOBL) |
Submitted Candidate Profiles
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Candidates for Chair of the Committee on Academic Policies |
*Emma Witt (NAMS) |
Submitted Candidate Profiles
(elected candidates indicated with *)
The Committees on Academic Policies and Academic Programs and Planning each have two graduate studies represenatives elected by the Faculty at-large. Polls will open at noon on Monday, April 19 and remain open for voting until noon on Friday, April 23. Instructions for accessing the ballot will be emailed to all Faculty on Monday, April 19.
Candidates for Graduate Represenative to Academic Policies |
Christian Ehiobuche (BUSN)* Robin Hernandez-Mekonnen (SOBL)* Barry Palatnik (BUSN) |
Candidates for Graduate Represenative to Academic Programs and Planning |
Robert Barney (SOBL)* Amit Mukherjee (BUSN)* Dan Tulino (EDUC) |
Submitted Candidate Profiles
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Candidates for Senate President | *Manish Madan (SOBL) |
Candidates for Senate Vice-President |
*Norma Boakes (EDUC) Robin Hernandez-Mekonnen (SOBL) |
Candidates for Senate Secretary | *Jack Lewis (SOBL) |
Submitted Candidate Profiles
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Amendments ratified on May 8, 2020 – 121 ballots cast: 120 Yes, 1 No
At the Senate meeting on April 17, 2020 the Senate voted to ratify several amendments to the Constitution. A summary of the amendments is below along with a marked-up copy of the Constitution and a clean copy with the proposed changes. The next step in this process is ratification by the Faculty Assembly. The balloting for ratification will occur the week of May 4 through electronic voting. Ratification of the amendments require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Faculty Assembly vote. Article XI of the Faculty Constitution outlines the full amendment procedure.
Constitution with Proposed Amendments (Markup)
Constitution with Proposed Amendments (Clean copy)
The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate proposed three primary amendments, as well as several minor housekeeping amendments, to the Faculty Constitution. These amendments were ratified by the Senate on April 17, 2020. In the summary below, the article and section numbers refer to the numbering in the proposed amended Constitution, not in the current Constitution.
Three Primary Amendments
Definition of “Faculty”: Art. II, sec 1. The amendment would broaden the definition of “Faculty” to include those holding the rank of Distinguished Professor and to the newly created Non-Tenure Track Teaching Position (NTTP). Distinguished Professor was a fairly new rank when the constitution was originally drafted and was not included. The newly created NTTP positions need to be added in order for faculty in those positions to participate in faculty governance.
Defining non-Faculty ex-officio members of Standing Committees as non-voting members: Art VII, sec 2. Language here has been changed to make non-faculty ex-officio members of committees non-voting members. By Robert’s Rules ex-officio members are voting members unless the constitution or by-laws of on organization specify otherwise. This change has been made based on feedback from standing committee chairs. This also reflects the fact that many ex-officio administrators serve on administrative committees (i.e. Deans and/or Provost’s Council) that also provide recommendations on issues and thus have the opportunity to vote in those roles.
Adding “or designee” for several ex-officio individuals serving on the Senate or Standing Committees: Art. V, sec 2; Art. VII, sec 2; Art. VIII, secs 15 a, b, c, d. This amendment would codify past practice where those in certain positions (Union President, Provost, etc.) serving as ex-officio members of the Senate, Executive Committee, or Standing Committees could designate an individual to serve in their place. This is stated explicitly in some places in the constitution and not in others. This amendment makes the language more consistent throughout for these types of positions.
Housekeeping Amendments
Changing “Richard Stockton College of New Jersey” to “Stockton University”. The name of the institution has been changed throughout the document.
Changing “College” to “University”. All instances of “College” have been changed to “University” to reflect the current status of the institution.
References to the “School of Graduate Studies” have been deleted: Art. II, sec. 7. The School of Graduate and Continuing Studies no longer exists.
Administrative title changes to reflect current position titles: Art. VIII, sec. 15a,
b, c, e, f.
Some ex-officio titles have changed due to administrative reorganization. These changes
have already been made in practice under the authority granted to the Executive committee
when administrative reorganizations occur, but since other amendments are being made
at this time it makes sense to change them to reflect current practice.
Making election procedures consistent: Art IX, sec. 5: This change defines the winner of Assembly elections as the candidate with the highest number of votes. This makes the section consistent with Section 6 and aligns with past practice. The change avoids any issues with the need for multiple balloting in Assembly elections.
Mark Adelung, HLTH *Lauren Balasco, SOBL *Norma Boakes, EDUC *David Burdick, SOBL *Sujoy Chakraborty, BUSN *Joe Cirio, GENS *Betsy Erbaugh SOBL *Jessica Favorito, NAMS *Ian Finnimore, SOBL *Arleen Gonzalez, SOBL *Christy Goodnight, LIBR *Geoffrey Gust, GENS *Kristen Hallock-Waters, NAMS *Beau Hancock, ARHU *Phillip Hernandez ,HLTH *Robin Hernandez-Mekonnen, SOBL *Mina Jafarijoo, BUSN |
Darwin Jones, BUSN *Elma Kaiser, SOBL *Wooseok Ki, NAMS *Michael Law, NAMS *Jack Lewis, SOBL *Zheng Li, BUSN *Ruibin Lu, SOBL Quynh Nguyen, BUSN *Justin Ostrofsky, SOBL *Monika Pawlowska, HLTH *Shanthi Rajaraman, NAMS *Larider Ruffin, HLTH *Thierry Saintine, GENS *Emmanuel Small, BUSN *Christine Tartaro, SOBL *Joseph Trout, NAMS Kerrin Wolf, BUSN |
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Committee | Candidate(s) |
Academic Policies | *Deeanna Button, SOBL |
Academic Programs and Planning | Sujoy Chakraborty, BUSN *Elizabeth Pollock, NAMS Thierry Saintine, GENS |
Administration and Finance | *Robin Hernandez-Mekonnen, SOBL |
General Studies | *John O’Hara, GENS |
Information Technology & Media Services | *Helen Wei, BUSN |
Library | *Vasundhara Chakraborty, BUSN |
Research & Professional Development | *Christy Goodnight, LIBR |
Student Affairs |
*Emmanuel Small, BUSN |
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Arleen Gonzalez, SOBL
*Kerrin Wolf, BUSN |
(elected candidates indicated with *)
The Committees on Academic Policies and Academic Programs and Planning each have two graduate stuides represenatives elected by the Faculty at-large. Polls will open at noon on Monday, April 15 and remain open for voting until noon on Friday, April 19. Instructions for accessing the ballot will be emailed to all Faculty on Monday, April 15.
Candidates for Graduate Represenative to Academic Policies |
*Robin Hernandez-Mekonnen (SOBL) *Sequetta Sweet (EDUC) |
Candidates for Graduate Represenative to Academic Programs and Planning |
*Robert Barney (SOBL) *Carla Enriquez (HLTH) Phillip Hernandez (HLTH) Shaoping Zhao (BUSN) |
Submitted Candidate Profiles
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Candidates for Senate President | *Laura Zucconi (ARHU) |
Candidates for Senate Vice-President | *Manish Madan (SOBL) |
Candidates for Senate Secretary | *James Avery (SOBL) |
Submitted Officer Candidate Profiles
(elected candidates indicated with *)
Mark Adelung, HLTH | Kory Olson, ARHU |
Norma Boakes, EDUC | Justin Ostrofsky, SOBL |
David Burdick, SOBL | Monica Pawlowska, HLTH |
Betsy Erbaugh, SOBL | Sreelekha Prakash, HLTH |
Arleen Gonzalez, SOBL | Lori Prol, HLTH |
Christy Goodnight, LIBR | Shanthi Rajaraman, NAMS |
Douglas Harvey, EDUC | Lisa Rosner, ARHU |
Robin Hernandez-Mekonnen, SOBL | Amee Shah, HLTH |
Elma Kaiser, SOBL | Emmauel Small, BUSN |
Wooseok Ki, NAMS | Christine Tartaro, SOBL |
Ruffin Larider, HLTH | Joseph Trout, NAMS |
Michael Law, NAMS | Kerrin Wolf, BUSN |
Jack Lewis, SOBL | Chenyan Xu, BUSN |
Manish Madan, SOBL |
Submitted At-Large Senator Candidate Profiles
PDF List of At-Large Candidates
(all nominated candidates were elected)
Committee | Candidate(s) |
Academic Policies | *Deeanna Button, SOBL |
Academic Programs and Planning | *Douglas Harvey, EDUC |
Administration and Finance | *Arleen Gonzalez, SOBL |
General Studies | *Elizabeth Pollock, NAMS |
Information Technology & Media Services | *Manish Madan, SOBL |
Library | *David Lechner, LIBR |
Research & Professional Development | *David King, ARHU |
Student Affairs | Richard Miller, GENS |
*Emmanuel Small, BUSN |
Submitted Committee Chair Candidate Profiles
PDF List of Committee Chair Candidates
(elected candidates indicated with *)