Muhamed Sacirbey
Former UN Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey
visits Dr. Rittner's Graduate Class
February 11, 2014
Muhamed "Mo" Sacirbey was the first Bosnian ambassador appointed to the United Nations.
Ambassador Sacirbey and his wife Susan came to Dr. Rittner's graduate class "The
UN, Human Rights, & Genocide" to talk about his experiences during the Bosnian war
as well as the legacy of the United Nations and the Srebenica genocide.
Top row (left to right): Susan Sacirbey, Dr. Carol Rittner, Ambassador "Mo" Sacirbey,
Dr. Judith Vogel, Dr. Marion Hussong
Bottom row (left to right): Graduate students Laurie Garcia, Andrea Heymann, Lillian