Dollar General Literacy Foundation - 2020 Summer Reading Grant
This summer, Stockton University Professors and pre-service teachers, in collaboration with North Main Street School and teacher Ms. Renee Alford are offering virtual read aloud experiences to elementary school children.
Dr. Susan Cydis received a $1,500 grant award from Dollar General and used the funds to purchase high interest books, which the Stockton students then recorded on a web-based platform ( The books were given to elementary school students in the Pleasantville School District for students to take home and make a permanent part of their personal libraries. The children listen to the stories and read along through a shared reading experience throughout the summer months.
Ms. Renee Alford, a model classroom teacher at North Main Street School, carefully selected the collection of engaging literature aimed at promoting student motivation, engagement and literacy development. Ms. McGaney-Guy, Principal of North Main Street School, through her virtual Bedtime Story Read Aloud Project modeled this initiative for the Stockton students to follow.
The virtual reading experience is a valuable resource for the children and their families because it enables them to continue their engagement in reading, even when they are not in school.
This collaborative partnership between Pleasantville School District and Stockton Professors Dr. Shelly Meyers, Dr. Priti Haria and Dr. Susan Cydis, began in 2012 and continues to grow. The collaboration supports meaningful learning experiences for students in Stockton’s School of Education and the students in the Pleasantville School District.