Blackboard e-Portfolio – Students

Portfolios are an invaluable tool in academic and professional development. They provide a powerful medium for users to efficiently collect and organize artifacts representative of work completed over time. Blackboard’s e-Portfolio system is directly integrated within Blackboard. No additional account or website access is needed to begin working on an e-Portfolio. The video tutorials on this page will cover the procedures for creating and sharing an e-Portfolio within Blackboard.

Creating an e-Portfolio in Blackboard
View in videos in consecutive order if this if your first time working with the Blackboard e-Portfolio system.

1. Basics of Creating a Portfolio

2. Creating a Portfolio from a Template


3. Adding Artifacts to your Portfolio

4. Using the Portfolio Content Editor


Submitting or Sharing your e-Portfolio
These videos will show you how to  submit an e-Portfolio assignment within Blackboard or share your e-Portfolio with your instructor, course, or outside users.

Submitting via a Portfolio Assignment

Sharing your Portfolio in Blackboard


Additional Documentation

PDF user guides and additional support resources.