The Stockton Center on Successful Aging

The Stockton Center on Successful Aging promotes research, education, and services to nurture the body, mind, and spirit of New Jersey's growing population of older adults.

SCOSA responds to local, state, and national needs and opportunities related to population aging. We strive to encourage older adults to age successfully through engagement with Stockton University, New Jersey's only member of the Age-friendly University Global Network, and the southern New Jersey community. 

          SCOSA's Annual Successful Aging Festival is on              Friday, May 9, in the Galloway Campus Center.

Click HERE for details about our signature annual event.


SCOSA Events & Workshops

SCOSA offers a vibrant calendar of events are designed to enhance the quality of life for older adults.

From engaging workshops and lectures to social gatherings and wellness activities, SCOSA events cater to diverse interests and needs, ensuring that there's something for everyone. Join us and discover the many benefits of active aging!

Browse Upcoming Events

Support for SCOSA

Help us grow our programs and keep most of them free-of-charge to participants by making a tax-deductible contribution to SCOSA.

Donation Policy

Some of the older adult programs offered by SCOSA are partially funded under Title III of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, through a grant from Area Agency on Aging in Atlantic County. Voluntary donations to SCOSA supporting these programs are accepted.
Such donations are not a fee and are not required. Any donations received will be used to develop and operate future programs. If you wish to donate directly to SCOSA, please make check payable to SCOSA and send it to: SCOSA/SOBL, Stockton University, 101 Vera King Farris Drive, Galloway, NJ 08205-9441.

An Age-friendly University

Stockton joined the AFU Global Network and endorsed the Network's Ten Principles in December, 2018.

SCOSA continues to allign programming with AFU principles and encourage the university to practice age-inclusivity in programs and services.

AFU Logo